Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Packing for Two

So we've been packing for a couple hours in preparation of my family reunion. We plan on leaving tomorrow to the Black Hills of South Dakota... but only after a doctor appointment in the morning which starts less than 8 hours after this entry. So, with that said, I'm going to keep this short. I hope to have some great pictures from the trip. Earlier in my life I haven't taken many pictures, because I haven't had what I thought to be "good reason." Well now that I've commited myself to blogging, I have that good reason.
I chose to include the picture as it shows how much, or little depending on your perspective, we pack for a 4 day trip for just the two of us. Hopefully in the future, we will have at least two other people for which to pack, though childrens' items are much smaller, they need all their gadgets/toys, too. In the picture, from top left going clockwise: laptop briefcase with my summer class homework and paperwork from the agency; Amanda's purse; camera bag with video (tape) camera, digital camera, and extra batteries; suitcase with a few things laying on top which will be thrown in trunk of car; DVDs and portable player for them; in the middle is a can of spray-on sunscreen. Items not included in picture: my shaving bag, Amanda's "makeup" bag, pillows, and activity-oriented gear (this trip needs camping gear to decorate for my sister's bridal shower and my golf clubs! Third time golfing ever).

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