Monday, July 9, 2007


So I have a plethora of websites that I visit as they update. I have listened to many podcasts as well... but I don't have my MP3 player handy (I'm not sure where it is).

A few of my favorite websites:

Wizards of the Coast for both Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: the Gathering (even though I rarely play Magic anymore, I still love many aspects of the game and like to keep current.)



My Extra Life

Nexus War



I currently keep a myYahoo account which lets me customize a page. I keep all those links on my site so I can access them from any net-connected computer.

Among my favorite web-based comics:

American Elf

Commissioned Comic


Dueling Analogs

Those are just a few of the quick-to-link comics which I am likely to update in the near future. I figure it'll be fun to look back at those links in the future (many of which will likely be broken) and reminisce.

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