Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring Springing

I have started my Spring cleaning! Last night we cleaned the house thouroughly (in a few rooms) and it feels so much better. I'm cleaning those hard-to-reach areas, scrubbing the often-missed spots, and organizing the misplaced stuff. Why? Well, it really needs to be done, first and foremost. The secondary reason the arriving baby. I guess nesting isn't just a mother-to-be routine. Tertiary reason: grandparents potentionally coming to town next weekend. The last reason is what's pushing me to get it all done sooner than later, but it isn't what motivated me to start... and I'm okay with that.
The rest of today will keep me busy. Two of my gaming friends are moving out of their respective apartments and moving in together. They, and other people will likely be here in the next 30min to an hour, so I need to start getting dressed. So glad today's weather is going to be so nice. 9:40AM in Nebraska on the first of March and it's already 39°F. The high is 59°. Woo! Spring is around the corner.

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