Monday, August 13, 2007

Less Student, More Teaching

The school year is really starting to get swinging. More and more I'm thinking about what I need to do to succeed this semester, planning ahead and asking lots of questions. I feel more professional than I ever have because of dress, meetings, and realization of how much I already know.
Today cirricula guides were handed out for all the appropriate classes. While I didn't receive one personally, I reviewed one and feel much better about what I will need to teach for a whole year of classes. Previously, my biggest concerns were knowing what I needed/should teach. I really like that this school district has cirricular guides. I hope whatever district I head to in the future have similar plans to help beginning teachers.
Amanda is visiting an out-of-town friend overnight, so I think I'm going to take the chance today to change the oil in the lawnmower and knock down some of the greenery.
Speaking of which, July was so dry and I chose not to water it much, so the growth was stunted for pretty much the whole month. When I finally got around to mowing it last week, I did a rush job. This week I noticed some weeds a bit more. I was surprised to find the pictured tomato plant growing out of the rocks... bearing a red fruit! The tomato isn't visible because I pulled it off yesterday and ate it right off the vine. It was tasty! Not too shabby for a weed, huh?

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